Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The last new menu for this round!

Hi everyone!
This last round of Dinners for Eight will be Cook's Surprise! What we would like for you to do is to choose your favorite recipe for the part of the dinner that you are assigned to make (appetizer, side main, dessert) and bring three copies of the recipe with you.  SO, if you have a super recipe from your aunt's cousin for a bean dip that is out of this world, make it and bring the recipe with you.

Also during the final meal, can you please discuss ideas or people you would like to see for the fall round?  We had talked about trying to include more new members into these groups when we do a round again this fall.  I do plan to ask to talk about what D48 is to the congregation before we set out the sign up sheet again, but if you have a great idea for a theme post it here and we'll see what we can do.

Thank you for all your kind words and great cooking.  I think the biggest blessing of these meals is that we get to know each other in a more rich way.
Jess & Jackie